
Trailer Trash Tuesday: Post New Year's Hangover Edition

Before you get too excited about Bruce Willis, The Rock, and that pretty stylish trailer, allow me to be the proverbial Debbie Downer.  Jon Chu, the director for Retaliation, directed one film in 2011.  That film wasn't Mission Impossible, The Muppets, or X-Men: First Class.  Jon Chu directed Justin Bieber: Never Say Never.  Admittedly, Chu is a young director and everyone needs to start somewhere but why did it have to be Bieber?  Anyone but him.

Wow.  I feel like I just watched a 2-minute inside joke that I'm not cool enough to be in on. Apparently this is a movie adaptation of Adult Swim's Tim and Eric's Awesome Show, Great Job!  Now this is starting to make sense.  My few experiences with Adult Swim have all ended with me thinking, "I'm not on enough drugs to appreciate this." So it's not surprising that, "The show continues to polarize audiences; some call it 'crude and inane randomness', while others consider it be satirical brilliance."  I tried to figure out the meaning of 'shrim' but urbandictionary and Google weren't much help.  Maybe I'm not on enough drugs to understand.

With Ridley Scott directing his first sci-fi film since Blade Runner, an intriguing premise, and a strong cast that include Michael Fassbender and Charlize Theron, Prometheus has all the makings of a great film.  I wish the trailer didn't seem quite so similar to Alien but my expectations are still riding high

This Week's Trailer Trash Throwback: One of the most iconic movie trailers of all time.

Check back later today for Trailer Trash Tuesday: The Best, the Worst, and the Weirdest of 2011 Edition

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