
Trailer Trash Tuesday

In which I talk about some of the best and worst trailers.


As promised, the Brave teaser trailer.  Aside from how cool I think Scottish accents are, not much to say about this.  But after two straight sequels it's nice to see Pixar try something new with their first fairy tale and first heroine.

Mission Impossible 4- Ghost Protocol

And now watch:

Special effects and trailers have come a long way.  Fifteen years later everything looks better, except for Tom Cruise, he looks like the same person with longer hair.  This further supports my theory that Skynet sent a robot named Tom Cruise back in time to pave the way for a hostile takeover by the machines.

In all seriousness, I didn't know what to think of a movie entitled Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol but I thought the trailer was great.  MI4 appears to have all the ingredients to maintain the series tradition of making above average action movies.

On a mostly unrelated note, I <3 Jeremy Renner, he's like Matt Damon 2.0.

Three Musketeers

Alexander Dumas must be the most pissed-off dead person of all time.  Hollywood manages to churn out shitty adaptations of his novel at an astounding rate.  It’s like every studio executive was molested by Dumas and now wants payback.  According to Wikipedia, this will be the 28th movie adaptation of The Three Musketeers. Highlights from the previous 27 include “a 1903 French Production about which virtually nothing is known,” “a popular Soviet pop musical,” and “a direct-to-video Barbie movie in which the Musketeers are female.”  Even still, this latest version takes the cake for the most ridiculous departure yet (airships?).  


Greek mythology is full of interesting stories but Immortals will likely be the third time in less than two years a Greek themed movie will suck (the other two are Clash of the Titans and Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief, the latter of which I’m particularly upset about).  I think part of this is due to the extremely odd use of the source material.  The story of Theseus and the Minotaur is far more interesting than this strange mish mash of myths and new ideas.  One of the main points of the movie is that the gods can’t interfere with the war so they need Theseus to fight Hyperion.  Where did that come from?  In everything I’ve seen/read Greek gods get involved in human events at every opportunity.  Impregnating human women is Zeus’s favorite pastime.

Fun Fact #1:  Theseus is played by Henry Cavill, the next Superman

Fun Fact #2: If Clash of the Titans and 300 had a child, this would be it.  That's not a compliment.

Fun Fact #3: Astoundingly, Clash of the Titans is getting a sequel entitled Wrath of the Titans

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