
The Best of Netflix Instant

In which I talk about some of the best TV shows/movies available on Netflix Instant. Check out a list of everything I have posted about in my Best of Netflix Instant Archive.

Toy Story 3

To me, Pixar is like a real life Willy Wonka, spreading joy and wonder to people around the world. When you think they’ve run out of magic and can’t possibly make a good film about a rat in a French restaurant they make Ratatouille a great film.   Up is a about an old man and his boy scout sidekick flying a house into the tropics of South America where they befriend a talking dog and a rare ostrich-thing. How did they decide on that premise? I think the heads of Pixar and another animation studio got drunk one night and a series of drunken dares escalated until the other exec dared the head of Pixar to make a film with Up’s premise.

The head of Pixar shortly afterwards
 Eighteen months later Pixar added another Academy Award to their storage closet full of them.

Picking my favorite Pixar film is like picking my favorite child, I don’t actually have any children but if I did it would probably feel something like this. They are awesome (except for Cars 2, definitely my least favorite child), it’s impossible to choose one. That being said Toy Story 3 is a very good film, even for Pixar. It even received an Academy Award Best Picture nomination, only the third animated film to ever receive that distinction (Beauty and the Beast and Up) are the other two. Toy Story 3 is funny, clever, heart wrenching, and infinitely likable. How many films can pull that off?

Even if Pixar dedicated ninety minutes of the film to Buzz eating a sandwich, it would still be worth my time as long as this scene is still in it:

Frankly, Toy Story 3 is the best threequel of all time and a fitting end to one of the greatest trilogies of all time. The average critical approval rating for the Toy Story series on Rottentomatoes.com is 99.66% (the first two have 100%, the third has 99%), which is absolutely insane; no other trilogy will ever come close to pulling that off.

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