
Trailer Trash Tuesday

In 2008 I predicted that within the next two years Sam Worthington would be a household name.  At the time, Worthington had already received an award for his acting, and he was set to star in James Cameron's first film since Titanic as well as a new Terminator film alongside Christian Bale.  Why hasn't Worthington achieved superstardom?  While the revenue from Avatar generated enough money to be able to do this, it featured a ton of CGI and more screen time for Worthington's voice than his face.  Meanwhile, Terminator Salvation featured an uninteresting plot, wooden characters, and two hours of Christian Bale growling.  Honestly, this is the most entertaining thing to come out of Salvation.

Since 2009, Worthington hasn't had much mainstream exposure outside of Clash of the Titans, another failed blockbuster.  Will Man on a Ledge carry him to fame and glory?  Maybe, but that trailer didn't intrigue me and its director, Asger Leth, doesn't even have a Wikipedia page which is how I judge whether or not someone is noteworthy.

Someone should have said, "It's Hammer time" during that trailer.  

This week's Trailer Trash Throwback is actually a mash-up of inspirational speeches from various movies and one of my favorite Internet videos of all time.  Enjoy.

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