
Trailer Trash Tuesday

In which I talk about some of the best/worst trailers.


The trailer for Senna, his Wikipedia article, and this video confirmed what I already suspected: F1 drivers are insane. The ridiculous speed, hairpin turns, and exposed driver's seat scare the hell out of me.  ESPN's 30 for 30 series made me realize I have a soft spot for sports documentaries, so this is my kind of movie.  Unfortunately, Senna is not a wide release so I will have to wait until it is available on Netflix.

RA One

Even if I wanted to see RA One, I doubt I would be able to, but many people in India seem to be excited.  The trailer on YouTube has some interesting comments, one claims that "SRK (the film's star) haters r RACISM believers" (does not having an opinion make me sort of racist?) and the most "liked" comment says, "this movies is one of the beat movies of Bollywood compere the technology and this movie goes to all time blockbaster."  I'm just going to assume Google translate is responsible for that.

Also, constantly flashing text in the middle of a trailer is really annoying.  I always think I might have missed and/or forgotten one of the text flashes. Explaining what the movie is about through the use of character dialogue is better (such as this, even if it did suck).  Using one or two to convey the release date or setting (place or time) is okay but trailers like RA One bother me.


Instead of talking about how Taylor Lautner is a miserable actor I've come up with a list of things I would rather do than see this film.

1.Throw myself into a well
3. Staple my penis to a wall
4. Watch The Face of the Milk Carton a 1995 made for TV movie with the same premise as Abduction
5. Watch Two Girls, One Cup

And now for my new addition to Trailer Trash Tuesday: Trailer Throwback.  Every week I will be including an old trailer that was memorable for me.  This week is the trailer for  Ridley Scott's 2005 film about the Crusades, Kingdom of Heaven.  

I love epics and I'm a history nerd so this trailer got me really excited when it was first released.  Great actors, sweeping shots of huge battle sequences, and some memorable lines were great but a story about the Crusades was the kicker.  Unfortunately, the theatrical release fell flat (the director's cut is an improvement) but I still enjoy the trailer.  

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